Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Serenity Prayer

I just ran across this... It looks like the longer version, very encouraging. I'm really coming to understand that life is indeed about learning how and when to let go (especially as a mother)... that's why we need our heavenly Father so much...

It really is a wonderful poem. Check it out here 
( by the way, I'm not endorsing the site above. Don't really know much about it, I just liked that particular page...)


artmish said...

The first part of that prayer is used often in 12 step programs and is probably familiar to many. The rest of it was new to me, it's really a great thought and an encouragement to help combat or need for control. The desire to control or the feeling of having no control leads to so much strife. It seems to be a major underlying issue in all types of addictions which is why the 12 steps have incorporated it.
It really speaks to me right now as I have recently been confronting new layers of control issues in myself.
It seems that there is a lot of wisdom in learning to recognize what things we can and should be trying to control in our lives and which things are not within our power to and being able to let them go. Sometimes it's not as obvious as we think.
Thanks for posting this.

Manuela said...

thanks for sharing your thoughts. what you wrote-

"It seems that there is a lot of wisdom in learning to recognize what things we can and should be trying to control in our lives and which things are not within our power to and being able to let them go. Sometimes it's not as obvious as we think."

YEAH! Sometimes it's REALLY not as obvious as we think. And sometimes it's soooo very hard to let go, that's probably why we don't want want to see some things sometimes...Letting go involves allowing ourselves the time and space to grieve... and hopefully meeting with some support in that. That's what I'm coming to realize over and over again.

artmish said...

I agree, having to let go is hard, it can be extremely difficult. I've recently been learning and thinking a lot about grief. It's been a challenge to face it having spent most of my life avoiding grief at all costs.
But it is a necessary part of life, and I'm slowly coming to see that you have to acknowledge the losses, let go of some things, and grieve over them.
Otherwise you get stuck in pretend land, denying the reality of circumstances or denying your true feelings. And that leads to a "life" that is not very lively, for yourself or those around you.
Thanks for the feedback

Manuela said...

no, thanks for your feedback! :)