Sunday, May 16, 2010

Moved to the Southwest!

It has been quite a ride... We are still getting settled. I love the desert, the terrain, the palm trees, the sun, the cool nights, the sounds, the wildlife, the thorny flowers. It's refreshing in it's own deserty way.
I hope to be able to write more as things get settled, it has been very busy.
I know some of you have probably been wondering what happened to me. So yes, I moved west, and... it does suit me better. It suits our family better, although it's a big change on a lot of levels. I like the adventure of it, and mostly the nature walks!

Cactus flower outside our patio area


Unknown said...

Ahh, so glad you are loving the desert! Arizona has a special place in my heart! I grew up going there for holidays and family reunions my whole life.

Can't wait to come see you!

Aida said...

Beautiful picture, Manuela.